Wednesday 2 September 2015

How to be Happy

Okay. Let’s get straight into it. I have a question for you. Are you happy?

If your answer is not that close to a yes, read on. Else, just remember to read this when you are not happy.

Hmm. So you are not happy. Not right now. But, can you attract happiness if you want to? Yes you can. Abraham Lincoln once said, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. Yes. Attitude is the big difference that makes us different. It decides whether we are happy or not. People who want to be happy will use their positive mental attitude.

The best way to find happiness is to use your time and energy toward making someone else happy. Happiness is a sly bastard. If you go out searching for it, it will never find you. But if you help someone search it, it will surely come to you.

But if you share misery and unhappiness, you will attract the same to yourself. You might have seen people who are always in trouble, no matter what they do. This is only because they are always sharing their troubles with others.
Regardless of who you are, you are a wonderful person! But, some people might not think so. If you feel that some people are using their negative mental attitude towards you, just don’t let it change who you are. Remember, it is you who control the most important factor that decides your life. It’s what you do and the fact that you are happy that matters.

Nothing else matters.

Yeah. I know, right. Metallica is awesome.

Okay, the moral of today’s story is – “Metallica is an awesome band. If you haven’t heard their songs, you must surely listen to them.”

Oh. I almost forgot. Also, be happy by making others happy. It’s your attitude that matters.
That’s it. Thanks for reading. I hope I made you happy, so that happiness come looking for me. Yeah, I am a bit selfish.

Keep reading!

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