Monday 23 November 2015

Not an Atheist

Before I start, there is the need for a disclaimer. It’s cliché, but still. First of all, I am not an atheist. Nor
agnostic. I am human. I just have some doubts which has been nagging me for as long as I can
remember. Secondly, this is my personal opinion. I am going to be touching at some sensitive topics
which could hurt the feelings of certain readers. But that is not my intention. I just want you to think
about these “doubts” which a student like me would have. Some may agree, some may not. So please
don’t be angry at me. Let’s be friends. :)

Hmm. So few weeks before I wrote this, I came across a question on a popular website. It goes – “If God
exists, why God has sent us to earth?” Innocent question. But the answer goes deep. Real DEEP.
See, if he sent us to see how we will live, then he surely knew how we were going to live even before
creating us. If a teacher knows the result to every student even before he does a test for sure, then there
is no need to conduct the test. Don't say "He wants to see if we will change”. Because he knows that we
won't change. Because his knowledge can't be wrong and hence we can never change. So seriously what
is the reason, of him sending us here? For example, if a teacher knows the results that students are
going to get and knows it is a bad one, he/she will try for sure to improve the students before the test.
Please don't answer saying our intelligence is not big enough to understand this, because that is the
lamest excuse you could ever give.

Moreover, it is even sillier to punish those who failed if you knew they were going to fail and still tested
them, especially if they had no say in the matter. You would literally be creating someone for the sole
purpose of them being tortured. That is the trademark of someone who is cruel, not loving. (Don’t get
angry folks, I haven’t come to the conclusion yet.)

Okay. If we were created to praise him, that doesn’t also make complete sense. Why would he feel that
he needs to be praised? It’s almost as if he’s so full of himself that he needs others to recognize him on a
daily basis. A pat on the shoulder. What is his plan? To reward the person who praises him the most?

What about those who did not follow him? Why can’t he offer them another chance, if they grew up in a
different culture? Religions are only a few thousand years old. What about the people before that?

Also, if he knows what’s going to happen next, then that includes his own actions. Then that means he
knows what he is going to do before he even thinks about doing it. That puts God in an autopilot mode,
because he knows what he’s going to do even before he plans on doing it.

Confused, huh?

Me too.

The whole idea has so many contradictions and paradoxes that you get dizzy just thinking about it.
Meanwhile, Google “Grandfather Paradox” and see, if you don’t already know about it.
Hmm. Back to business. So who is God? Or, what is the idea of a God?

By now you must have surely pictured me as a guy who doesn’t believe in God and says confusing stuff
just for the sake of saying it. But wait. You are wrong. As I said before, I am not an atheist. I believe in

“Dafuq?” Says the reader.

Want to know what I have formulated from my 3 hours and 55 minutes of research on God? (Phew!)

God is there. But he is not a dictator living up in the sky and watching all the action, while Aadhil Khan is
utterly confused about what he is really doing up there.

Have you ever thought why sometimes, God makes good people suffer? Why the innocent people suffer
hardships and die, while the cruel and crooked people prosper and get rich and famous. (Sometimes)
Why do innocent kids in Somalia die of hunger while bad people elsewhere in the world who have done
bad deeds eat and bulk up? Why murderers just go to jail while the victim is laid down on his/her grave?
Isn’t there a balance of nature?

Wait. Why am I only asking questions? Where are the answers? Uh. There should be more sentences
without question marks.

So back to my conclusion. God is really there. But he didn’t create us. Instead he is in each of us. Because
if he would have created us, then he wouldn’t let those poor kids die and he wouldn’t let those bad guys
kill others. God is the good things we do. He is our positive energy. He is the driving force behind every
good thing that happens in this world. God is perspective. God is never related to violence.

God should be the energy within us that tempts us to help those hungry, dying kids, for example. Then
we could say that God is with us. He would make us protest against anything bad that happens in our
society, without violence. He is not science. But he is our driving force behind our need to invent
something new. Something that will help the whole of mankind. Religion is something that should help
us achieve this. A feeling of belonging to a community that strives to work for the wellness of the people,
irrespective of caste or creed. Religion shouldn’t separate us. It should point us to the right direction. To
the purpose of our life. On this journey, the God takes different forms. Let it be Allah, Jesus, Shiva,
Buddha, and so on. No religion is perfect. But the last thing we want is fights, and intolerance and blah
blah. Because we all have one common aim, that is to work for the prosperity of mankind. And we are all
humans, aren’t we?

God is fear. For example, long time ago when a solar eclipse occurred, people didn’t understand why it
was happening. They got scared. There was no scientific explanation to calm their frightened minds. So
they assumed it was the anger of God. That God is displeased with how they were acting.
See, the fear in their mind made them to believe in a higher power up above the world so high, pulling
the strings.

God is fear.

This fear should prevent us from doing things that would hurt others. This fear should help us move
forward, not with a worried face, but with a smile.

Ah. Now that’s my conclusion. Before I end, I would like to point out some stuff. You might have
observed that I mentioned God as a “he” instead of a “she”. Don’t get angry. It’s just because, I am a guy
and I would prefer my inner energy also to be a male. If you are a girl, you can mention God as a “she”. I
wouldn’t mind. It’s up to you. It’s always been up to you.

Many of you might have contradictions to what I said. Arguments. If so, write them out as a letter and
put it in locker number 47 near our school’s computer lab. Because, I am NOT going to check it out. I
have other important things to do. Beh.

Just kidding. We will sort it out, I’m sure. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you will become the
reason to put a smile on someone else’s face. Believe in God, and act accordingly, because life has a
purpose and we shouldn’t be really wasting it on fights. Cheers!

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